Coaching services

Cross Borders Coaching

Throughout all the years of working in business and coaching, I have collaborated with many executives across a wide range of global industries. By combining effective coaching techniques and tools from the East and West I can help you to overcome anything that may be holding you back. So, whether it’s your leadership style, managing change or entrepreneurial skills that you need to take to the next level, please contact me to learn more about my approach and we can schedule your first session.

“Living in and being confronted with a different culture, is like discovering a new part of yourself that you never knew existed. The more offroad you dare to go, the deeper you will connect with your true self, and with all of us.”

Cultural Awareness Leadership Coaching

As a leader of an international organisation based either in Asia or the UK, you are often confronted with non-negotiable targets and competing deadlines received from your management in China or Hong Kong. But it’s crucial to maintain an open and compelling leadership style to empower your team and establish clear lines of communication. My deep dive coaching sets you up, so you are ready to take on your new life and business world.  

Many companies today employ global workforces, leveraging their diversity and local expertise to gain a competitive edge. But managing a multinational team can present a variety of challenges stemming from the cross-cultural differences. Your leadership style must adapt to accommodate these issues and enable you to lead with confidence to achieve your organisational goals.
My insightful leadership coaching helps you to navigate these unique obstacles, providing you with the skills and mindset to deliver effective performance. I have the authentic background to support you and I can empathise with your feelings of frustration, confusion and excitement particularly if you have recently relocated from the East to the West as I have experienced it all myself.

Managing Change

We are living in times where change is the only constant and the reality is that no one really likes change. But denial is often costly, and it can be difficult to negotiate if is not recognised. From pandemics to war to economic crises — all of these can have an impact on you as an individual, your team and your organisation. So it is beneficial to embrace change confidently, as you can unlock new opportunities for your growth and development.  

Leaders are expected to be prepared for change, but it's not always possible to be fully ready or to feel confident about managing expectations especially when you are faced with cross cultural challenges. As it can be difficult to start working with a completely new team, or you may feel apprehensive about pursuing a new role in a different country. I have the experience to help you build a strong mindset that forges an inclusive and adaptable resiliency to move from one culture to another with ease.  

My coaching techniques will help you overcome any cultural subtleties and challenges that arise from leading through periods of transition which may impact communication. I can also enable you to embrace change by shifting your perspective to align with your values and goals. Working together we will discover the right tools to support you in driving positive change. Don’t let fear hold you back from achieving life or career opportunities, learn to accept the growth and fulfilment that you deserve.  

Entrepreneur Coaching

Being an entrepreneur is not all about "being your own boss" and fast rewards — it is years of dedicated and relentless hard work. Making the huge decision to start a company can be one of the most rewarding, exhilarating, and interesting opportunities you'll ever get. But at the same time entrepreneurs can experience more day-to-day stress as when you're responsible for the bottom line, every setback falls on you personally.  

As your company grows, so will your list of responsibilities — from fundraising to business development, expanding your team and identifying the right talent to name but a few. So having people to lean on during these pressured times for mental support or mentorship is incredibly helpful and can be vital to your success.  

Having been an entrepreneur myself and started my first successful business when I was 18, I can show you how to harness your natural strengths and make the right mindset shifts to help you tackle your challenges. With my extensive background in establishing new business and taking advantage of the right investment opportunities, I will also provide you with a step-by-step programme that is aligned to help you achieve your own business and personal goals - bringing your dream to life!  

My Approach

Conquering your inner opponent

The goal of my coaching is to help you unlock practical solutions to the obstacles which are preventing you from reaching your goals. My core belief is despite our problems arising from many different sources, our most formidable opponent often lies within. This belief, as well as my approach to helping you conquer your ‘inner opponent’, are informed by recent cognitive science. My coaching is results orientated and I will help you to cultivate inner harmony, positivity and clarity of vision. In short, I will work with you to identify what is blocking your path and then to develop a programme of achievable steps to redirect your energies and to transform your ‘inner opponent’ into your strongest supporter.  

Having had a successful business career (see my LinkedIn profile), I fully understand the pressures that you face, and I know the importance of achieving rapid and tangible results as I have experienced it all myself. With my successful transition from the East to the West, and the numerous challenges this journey required me to overcome, I am well equipped to support executives who are following a similar cross-cultural path. My multicultural background has led me to combine the most effective coaching techniques that have been developed in the West with some of the key enduring insights of the ancient Eastern philosophies of Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism.   

I am constantly striving to be a better businesswoman, executive coach and human being and I receive the highest satisfaction when I am helping executives like yourself to achieve your goals and to become the happy and fulfilled person you desire to be.  

I look forward to helping you with your journey.


About my coaching.

How do I know you are the right coach for me?

The first session I offer is a "Chemistry" consultation, just like a first date where both parties can determine their compatibility. During this session, you can assess whether my experiences and energy resonates with you, and most importantly, whether my coaching methods align with your style. It's important to gauge whether you have felt naturally prompted to delve deeper into your issues, and if you have gained significant benefits in terms of mindset and future planning after the initial trial session. Ultimately, the question arises whether you have developed trust in me as the coach who can provide the right guidance and provide the support you require to solve your challenges.

What language do you use for the coaching sessions?

I am native Chinese, and I speak English fluently. We can conduct our sessions in whichever language you feel most comfortable.

What happens in a typical coaching session?

During our one-hour or 90-minute session, we begin by establishing a clear goal that we both agree upon for that session. Once the goal is defined, I will let you take the lead in our conversation while I listen attentively to see if I can uncover any obstacles that may be hindering your progress. Together, we will develop a solid and practical plan that is aligned with our initial goal set at the beginning of the session.

How will we measure the outcome of each session?

The success of a coaching session can be measured through various factors. Firstly, we assess whether your goal has been achieved during the session. Secondly, we gauge whether you have gained clarity on the necessary steps you need to take to accomplish your specific goal. Additionally, I check in with you to ensure you have felt heard and understood.

How do you handle confidentiality?

Confidentiality plays a crucial role in my profession as a coach. As part of our professional code of ethics, we have a strict agreement, both in written form and based on moral principles, to prioritise and maintain confidentiality.